Moreno Ugo studied at the School of Art in Padua and at the Art Academy of Venice. Master in Art and Cultural Management in Cordoba University.

"Our identity is expressed unequivocally through images; we are drawn in and captivated by them. However, our gaze sometimes cannot see or comprehend what lies beneath the surface. The images may at times appear incomprehensible, but they are stored in our memory and knowledge, so that when we examine the painterly texture of a work, we can recognize and feel the thoughts and life of the Author."
From Doppio Zero by Mauro Cresci

2023-2021 Eine Art Gallery Dortmund

2017 Micromega Gallery Venice.

2016 G.Perez Museum of Contemporary Art of Cordoba (Argentina) with the project Drift
He exhibits his works permanently in the Espacio Enso gallery of the artist Eugenio Cuttica in Buenos Aires
In the same year his work Naufraghi, 250×200 cm, was selected in the competition National Bank of the City of Buenos Aires,and was purchased by a collector.

The Grabenheinrich Gallery in Gutersloh Germany has permanently exhibited
his works from 1997 to 2010
2009 Corinth B. Aires Gallery

2004 Orangery Schloss Reda-Widen-Bruck (Grabenheinrich Gallery)

2003 Zero Gallery Barcelona

2000 Deutsche Bank purchases two works

1998 Corinto B. Aires Gallery

1997 Gallery In Extremis S. Etienne France
– Culturing Daimler Benz AG Stuttgart

1995 Kunstreich Gallery Munchen
-Remain Studio Maui- Hawaii

.....You have to love to give yourself pleasure.
“….....When we close our eyes at the first impression, we can see and even be convinced, that here, the Author worked with insatiable energy. than to the movements of his sleepless spirit (too fast because we can see the connection) produced corners, joints… and bold balances. This, faced with a subject that is undergoing sudden evolution, makes us think of all the temptations animated by the cries of invisible animals who kept the Anchorites alert in the desert.
...This scene presents it self to the author not like of a distant ballet no! she stay close to him impressing him from every side gets entangled in it he becomes part of it and before you even understand it's already written there imprinted on the canvas.” From ; Kafka Diaries and Confessions