DRIFT Drift, herranza, wandering through the streets of the city in search of signs that each one can appropriate. The subject walks, moves, in a scenario where the gaze converts the overlays, the erosions, the superimpositions, posters, anonymous graffiti and billboards into different objects carrying new meanings. A poster, or several, destroyed in parts, leave traces that, mixed with the plaster backgrounds or metal surfaces, inscribe other forms, combinations, paintings, gestures, which in this transformation become a pictorial language from their capture. This act of extrapolating through a photographic camera allows us to appreciate the unique and distinctive value of the recovered parts in new images, saving them in an instant that later, reconverted, returns to others. Urban fragments, reflections, pictorial accumulations that throb in the bowels of the city. Guy Debord defines Drift as "a technique of passing lightly, traversing varied environments", and it is on this occasion that he elaborated the concept of "Psychogeography" which is a personal apprehension... "of exact laws and their precise effects on the environment geographical area, which directly influence the affective behavior of individuals”. To reappropriate their existence, the first initiative is then to get out of habit, to these routes where our activities force us to travel, and find in the decorations on the walls that surround us, "signs" of attraction and repulsion that result with we. “…then the city will change like a map that we draw as we go along and your life will be like a book where you will be the author.” In each one of us, herranza in the streets of the city allows us to instill the seeds of another look, because it improvisedly transforms the urban context into a playful and exciting place, and not just a utilitarian one.
Text by curator of the exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum J.Perez. Cordoba